
 admin   2024-07-09 21:00   50 人阅读  0 条评论

仁怀五马镇预报天气案 Go to hell. 去死吧。You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混!What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? Drop dead. 去死吧! Nonsense! 鬼话!You're a pain in the ass. 你这

关于星座的论文1)you're a fucktard! 2)you fucken shittheads 3)dickfaces, go back to church 4)you retarded smart alics

二婚幸福的星座Again smile kick your to changbai mountain再笑踢你到长白山去 protein蛋白质 An idiot 白痴 Die woman 死女人 刚打了好多貌似太狠了 都发不出去。。

生途 金丙t.t案 fuck bitch you ask for it asshole bad jerk son of the bitch and so on```

韩衣都舍是品牌吗案 not fuck me.|不要叼我 get the fuck out of here.|滚开! do it.|干它 pussy.|臭婊子 what the fuck's she saying?!|她妈的在说什么? We are totally fucking bored.|完全他妈的无聊

开远是什么气候案 学会这些不代表你学好了英语,仅供,不要乱用,watch ur language,man,no curse but kiddin' basterd/pervert/ass/asshole/motherfucker/motherfuckin'/bitch/dum/dumb/

遂宁到德阳动车时刻表案 有些脏、有些其实还行、 fuck 、piss off、sth sucks、kiss my ass、you fool、tomboy(假.子、类似春哥)、damn it ,shit , son of bitch

广西.庆天气预报一周案 bastard 笨蛋[bas·tard ] beast 畜生[biːst] Bitch! Whore[hɔr /hɔː]! / Slut [slʌt]! 婊 子

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